Specified additional pension savings

  • What are “specified additional pension savings”?

    Fund members may elect to pay 3,5% additional contribution into “specified additional pension savings” within a minimum premium of 15,5%.

    This does not involve “regular” additional pension savings, and fund members must make their own informed decisions on whether they want to take this course. If no choice is made, the contribution will go into a co-insurance department and thereby increase pension rights.

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  • Who is entitled to “specified additional pension savings”?

    According to the law, the fund member is allowed to pay 3,5%  into specified additonal pension savings. Further information is provided by pension funds.


  • How are “specified additional pension savings” different from “regular” additional pension savings?

    • You can begin receiving “specified additional pension savings” five years before the traditional pension age. You can begin receiving other additional pension savings when you turn 60.
    • You can use “specified additional pension savings” tax-free to purchase your first appartment if certain conditions are met.
    • When a fund member dies, “specified additional pension savings” pass to a surviving spouse and children, like other additional pension savings.
    • In both instances, fund members can choose their yield programme.
  • Do “specified additional pension savings” effect disability and surviving spouse pensions?

    Yes. The disposition of contributions to “specified additional pension savings” do not, regarding those contributions, earn rights to lifelong pension payments, disability and surviving spouse pensions with extrapolation.