My pension fund

  • Is it possible to obtain loans from pensions funds?

    Most pension funds grant loans to their fund members against a mortgage, subject to specific conditions being met. The credit terms of loans to fund members are, generally, very competitive, making them a good option for those needing long-term loans, e.g., for buying real estate.

  • Must I monitor whether my wage payer pays its contributions to my pension fund?

    In general, pension funds publish an overview of premiums on My pages on the website of each fund or (Digital mailbox in Iceland).

    If you want a overview by mail, you can send an inquiry to your pension fund.

    You should compare the overview to your pay slips. If any payments are missing, you should contact your employer and request an explanation or contact your pension fund and ask the fund to collect the unpaid contributions. Pension rights are based on paid contributions.

  • Do I really have to attend meetings and seminars of my pension fund? Shouldn’t I make better use of my time?

    You should attend annual general meetings and pay attention to the operations and performance of the fund. These are important rights which require following like other assets. Some pension funds also invite their members to attend seminars on pension matters. Attending such seminars can prove to be very useful to attend such seminars to keep up with pension matters and thus be better prepared to assess whether your rights are adequate.

  • Can I choose the pension fund into which I pay?

    Membership in a pension fund depends on which wage agreement and/or special act applies. If your wage agreement does not cover the occupation in question, or if your contract of employment is not based on a wage agreement, you will be able to choose your pension fund, depending on the regulations of the individual funds.

    The regulations of some pension funds do not allow everybody to be a member. This, for example, is the case for the Pension Fund for State Employees (LSR).

    Educational video

  • Can I get a refund of paid-in contributions if I leave the fund?

    Earned rights are preserved for the fund or funds you have paid into. When the time comes for pension payments, you must apply for them.


  • Am I obligated to pay into a pension fund?

    Yes, by law all wage earners, as well as those who are self-employed, are obligated to ensure their pension rights by being a member of a pension fund. This obligatory membership lasts from age 16 to 70.

  • Are foreign nationals obliged to pay into pension funds?

    Under the Pension Fund Act, foreign nationals being paid wages in Iceland shall pay into a pension fund under the same regulations as Icelandic nationals. An exception to this is when a foreign national within the European Economic Area (EEA) is employed by a foreign company for a limited time and is in possession of an E 101 Certificate issued by his/her home country. Then, he/she enjoys the same insurance as the social security legislation of his/her home country stipulates.

  • How much am I obligated to pay into a pension fund?

    The minimum mandatory contribution to a pension fund is 15,5% of total wages from age 16 to 70.

    Wage agreements cover payments into pension funds. The general rule is that the wage earner pays 4% of his/her total wages, and the matching contribution of the wage payer is 11.5%, total contribution of 15.5%. This applies equally to state and municipal civil servants.

    The foregoing describes the general rule, but there are exceptions to it, such as for bank employees and employees in older state and municipal pension systems.

  • I cannot recall which pension funds I have paid into during my life. Is there any chance that any payments would be lost or forfeit?

    Rights are not forfeit even though the statements have been lost. 

    If you do not remember the name of the pension fund, you can contact +354 563 6400 or send an inquiry with your Icelandic social security number to 


  • What do I gain by paying into a pension fund?

     By paying into a pension fund, fund members earn the following rights.

    • Old age pension to the end of their lives.
    • Disability pension upon the loss of employment due to accidents or illness.
    • Pension to the surviving spouse upon the death of the fund member, generally a temporary pension (3 to 5 years), while some pension funds will pay a pension to surviving spouses to the end of their lives.
    • Payments for surviving children upon the disability or death of the fund member.

    The chief objective of pension funds is to pay old-age pensions through the end of their fund members’ lives.

    As the payment of old age pensions generally constitutes the biggest portion of the fund members’ income during their retirement years, pension fund rights are very important.

  • What happens to the contributions paid by foreign nationals when they return to their home country?

    According to Article 19, Paragraph 4 of Act no. 129/1997, it is permissible to reimburse foreign nationals’ pension fund contributions upon moving away from Iceland, provided that such reimbursement is not prohibited under international agreements to which Iceland is a party.

    Iceland has already concluded international agreements with over thirty countries, referred to hereinafter as contracting states. Contracting states are the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Faroe Islands, European Economic Area (EEA) member countries, and Switzerland; i.e., all EFTA and EU member states. 

    • EFTA states are Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, according to the Vaduz Convention.
    • EU member states are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus (the Greek part), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Germany.

    A person who is a citizen of a contracting state may not apply for reimbursement of pension contributions upon moving away from Iceland.

    Even if a person has multiple citizens, it is not permissible to reimburse contributions if the person is a citizen of one or more contracting states.

    A citizen who does not have citizenship in a contracting state and is not moving to a contracting state is permitted to have pension fund contributions refunded due to emigration from Iceland.

    Pension from another EEA country or the USA

  • I am self-employed. When am I supposed to pay into a pension fund?

    Pension fund contributions are to be paid monthly. They are due by the 10th day of the month following the month for which wages have been paid. Note, however, you have till the last day of the month to pay a contribution. After that, penalty interest begins accruing from the due date (the 10th day month).

    Educational video

  • Who monitors the payment of contributions into pension funds?

    The Directorate of Internal Revenue monitors the payment of pension contributions by comparing information provided by the pension funds to the paid-in contributions with information provided on the tax returns of wage earners and the self-employed.

    Fund members ought to check that the mandatory contributions are being paid on their wages. For the Wage Guarantee Fund to cover the contributions of a wage earner, he/she must verify the wage payer’s submission of them to the pension fund within 60 days from the date of the statement.

    If contributions are missing from the statement, it is important that the wage earner notify the Wage Guarantee Fund of this by submitting their pay slips within 60 days.

    Where you can find overview

    • In general, pension funds publish an overview of premiums on My pages on the website of each fund or (Digital mailbox in Iceland).
    • If you want a overview by mail, you can send an inquiry to your pension fund.
    • It is good to compare regularly the overview to your pay slips. If any payments are missing, you should contact your wage payer and request an explanation or contact your pension fund and ask the fund to collect the unpaid contributions. 

    Pension rights are exclusively based on paid contributions.